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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Kwon

Project Draft

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

draft 1

Project Report

My primary audience is American college students, aged 18-22, who are always on the grind or just seemingly never getting enough sleep. They are hard at work, but at the same time never seem to be able to focus, causing them to sleep late and make their work get pushed back even more. They want to fix their sleep schedule, but they can't because of the work they have to do. By showing the negative effects of lack of sleep, the audience will realize that they should do something about the state they are in. By getting good sleep, they would have more time to do the things they want and be focused throughout the day.

For the project, I chose a more darker route, showing what would happen if students do not get enough sleep. The darkness and gloominess shows the state they would be in and the vastness of the water shows how lost they would be without in their sleep deprived state. By showing the water coming out of the girl's head and becoming the ocean, the image shows the vast emptiness is originating from the girl's head caused by her sleep deprived state.

To create the photos I chose a dark ocean background and changed the color and saturation to a darker purple rather than the original dark blue. I found a picture of a girl sleeping at her desk and gave it the same darker effect to further emphasize the lost feeling. I duplicated the photo of the girl, flipped it, and made it wider to make the reflection on the water, to create a kind of shadow effect and an existential vibe. I then got a picture of water being thrown out of a cup, cut it out using the selection tools, and placed it on the girls head to show that the vast empty ocean actually came from her head.

From this project I learned a lot about photoshop, since this was my first time working with it. I learned about the various tools and how to use the tools to do things that I would never have thought of. I also learned that when designing something, it doesn't have to be overly complicated, and that often simplicity is better. Overly complicating things just makes things look bad and makes using photoshop seem much more overwhelming, since even with just a few tools, the photos can look drastically different.

Next time when working on a photo editing project, I will try to spend more time exploring the different tools and experimenting with them. I would keep the simplistic elements of the photo and use more editing techniques to make the photo look more unique.

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